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Minutes, January 2010
Bolton Public Library
Board of Trustees
Meeting January 4th,  2010, 6:00 p.m.
Bolton Public Library

Present: Roland Ochsenbein, Bob Zak, Chris Sterling
Also present: Kelly Collins, Lori Nelson

Agenda Items:

The minutes of the December 7th meeting were approved.

Letter from abutter:
The trustees received a letter from abutter Ann Hurd requesting a temporary easement on town property for the installation of her septic system.. Roland suggested that we ask her to have the work completed by a definite date, and also request that the trustees see and approve the restoration plan. Kelly asked if this should be approved by the trustees or the Board of Selectmen. She was also concerned that the abutter be told that vehicles associated with this project be informed that they should not park on library property. Bob will draft a letter with the trustees’ concerns, and bring it to the next meeting for approval, and then send a copy to the board of selectmen.

Director’s Report:
There was no written director’s report, but Kelly spoke about CORI – the town has practices but no written policy. A town policy is in process, and the trustees will encourage Town Hall to create a policy and store CORI reports for the library. All trustees were in agreement that all library employees should be subject to a CORI check.

Lori Nelson showed the trustees a draft of the mural to be painted in the children’s room. The trustees made suggestions for a few small changes, but, in general were pleased with the project.

Donor’s Tour:
Lori Nelson, on behalf of the Friends of the Bolton Public Library asked permission to have a special preview tour for Capital Campaign donors of $1,000 and above on Friday, January 29th from 7 – 8:30 pm, with refreshments in the program room. A motion was made by Bob, seconded by Chris and passed unanimously to approve this tour.

Town Boards and Committees Tour:
The trustees also approved a special tour of the new library for members of town boards, committees, and commissions to be held on Monday, February 1st from 7:30 – 8:30 pm.

Intel Thank You:
Roland will draft a thank you to Intel for its contribution to the project.

Kelly will revise the budget and send out copies

Children’s Librarian:
The HR director has decided unilaterally that the Children’s Librarian is a grade 3 position, not a grade 6 position as requested in our budget. Kelly will put together a case for a higher grade, she will check with other libraries for comparison.  The trustees need to meet with the HR director to find out criteria for inclusion in grades 3, 4, 5, and 6.

We do not yet have a Certification of Occupancy. The state fire marshal has not signed off. We will also get a recommendation from the chief about hours of lighting in the parking lot. We will also be having a lighting expert come for an inspection and evaluation.

Old Circulation Desk:
There is no place to store the old circulation desk in the new building. Kelly will offer it to Tim Fiehler, who made the circulation desk to see if he or the Historical Society would like it. One portion of it could be used in the new building as a podium. Kelly will check with other town offices, and local places, including Lancaster to find some place that could use it.

Grand Opening:
The Grand Opening will be on February 6th. The Lieutenant Governor cannot make it, but two commissioners from the MBLC will be in attendance.

The next meetings will be Monday, January 25th, and Monday February 1st, both at 6:00 p.m. at the new library.

Respectfully submitted, the Trustees,

Robert Zak                      Roland Ochsenbein                       Christine Sterling